Grief is a raw and brutal journey no one ever wishes to embark upon. When we lose a loved one, we expect heartache, tears and a profound sense of emptiness. An aspect of grief that is often overlooked however, is something that can be equally challenging: secondary losses.
Bittersweet: Grandchildren’s Love in the Shadows of Grief
Today I want to tell you a personal little story that I hope may be uplifting for those of you struggling to find hope, or even a reason to go on right now. After the loss of my husband I became depressed and did not think I could ever, or would ever be happy again….
The Unspoken Struggle: Responding to “How Are You Doing” in Grief
Grief is a journey of heartbreak and sorrow and an intricate web of emotions. Yet, in the face of such profound pain, our grief illerate society often expects us to respond to a simple question: “How are you?”
How To Manage Self Care When Grieving
Even though it might not seem ideal, caring for yourself while you’re mourning is a necessity, not a luxury.So how do we manage self-care when we are grieving?
Why Its Important To Take Time To Grieve
As a society, unfortunately we tend to minimise the grieving process and have unrealistic expectations towards those who have suffered a loss.