Grief is a journey of heartbreak and sorrow and an intricate web of emotions. Yet, in the face of such profound pain, our grief illerate society often expects us to respond to a simple question: “How are you?”

Grief is a journey of heartbreak and sorrow and an intricate web of emotions. Yet, in the face of such profound pain, our grief illerate society often expects us to respond to a simple question: “How are you?”
But for many others, Christmas may not be the season to be merry. It may bring up painful memories of a loved one who has passed away for some people. Sadly, Christmas is a stark reminder of the missing face or the empty chair at the Christmas table.
Today I feel very sad…….and I’m writing from a raw and aching heart. I’m not going to pretend I feel fine when it feels like my heart is breaking all over again and the tears keep rolling down my cheeks.