Today we’re going to talk about something that’s near and dear to my heart. We all know how challenging grief can be, and sometimes, it’s the little things in life that make it even more painful.
Navigating Secondary Losses in Grief
Grief is a raw and brutal journey no one ever wishes to embark upon. When we lose a loved one, we expect heartache, tears and a profound sense of emptiness. An aspect of grief that is often overlooked however, is something that can be equally challenging: secondary losses.
Grief Comes in Waves: Embracing the Emotional Swells
Grief, like the vast and unpredictable ocean, has a way of sweeping us off our feet. It comes in waves, crashing against the shores of our lives when we least expect it. Just when we think we’ve found solid ground, grief reminds us that healing is a journey, not a destination.
Bittersweet: Grandchildren’s Love in the Shadows of Grief
Today I want to tell you a personal little story that I hope may be uplifting for those of you struggling to find hope, or even a reason to go on right now. After the loss of my husband I became depressed and did not think I could ever, or would ever be happy again….
The Bittersweet Celebration of Mother’s Day After Loss
Mothers Day can be painfully difficult and distressing for people who have lost their mother, or for mothers who have lost children. The agony of losing a loved one can be unbearable,
Journey Through Grief: Reflections for Healing
Devastating loss followed by the struggle though crippling and agonising grief can be a long and challenging process. But with time, patience, self-care, and support, healing is possible.
What To Do With Your Deceased Loved One’s Clothes
Cleaning out a loved one’s closet or chest of drawers ranks among life’s most stressful experiences, no matter how well you prepare for it.
Should A Widow Wear Her Wedding Ring?
Should I wear my wedding ring after I’m widowed? If you take if off, what do you do with it? If you leave it on should you move it to the other hand?
Allow Your Grief Into The New Year
Our grief does not end with the calendar year. It can be daunting and totally overwhelming to be facing a new year without our loved ones.
How Do We Heal A Broken Heart After Loss?
How do we “fix” hearts when they are shattered and broken with loss? How do we heal a hurting heart? We can’t bandage it or wrap it in a cast to protect from further wounds