My Grief Journey

Hi, I’m Ally
My world changed abruptly and tragically in November 2016. One phone call changed my life in an instant.
Some days, it seems like yesterday, while other days, it seems like years ago.
Throughout this journey, I have discovered purpose in pain, strength in weakness and beauty from ashes.
“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.”
Author unknown
My Story
Unexpected and unwelcome grief has arrived on my doorstep more than once. I was introduced to the devastating and dark side of grief as a 5 year old when my brother died unexpectedly. Although the memory remains, I did not understand death at that age.
Since then grief has revisited several times, including the painful loss of both my parents, a dear friend, and most recently, the sudden, brutal and tragic loss of a dealy loved and cherished husband.
Every single loss altered my life in profound ways, and taught me life lessons and greater self awareness. I was sucked into the darkness, isolation, pain, confusion, depression, anxiety and guilt from the huge unrealistic expectations around me, causing me to cope the only way I knew how – pretending I was fine and to just be stoic and get over it and move on in life.
That was a tough lesson to learn – trying to stuff my grief down and avoid experiencing all my painful feelings kept me stuck in my grief for far too long.
However I also noticed a troubling and common pattern – a distinct lack of community resources and support. There was no-one willingly available to talk to about my burdens and sadness. To be told 3 days to get over my grief and return to work was a disturbing reality.
Grief and new beginnings....
Out of my pain and suffering emerged the desire and the passion to create a safe space for people to find refuge and solace in their grieving. It completely changed the direction and focus of my life moving forward.
I do what I do now to honour my my loss and my loved one.
I don’t want anyone else to experience pain and isolation and become frozen in their grief like I did. It doesn’t have to be that way.
I don’t have a magic wand to “fix” your grief or make it vanish overnight, but I can promise you I am here to support you in what-ever way I can for as long as necessary. I want to support you so you feel validated, heard, respected and loved.
Let’s face it, dealing with loss is never easy, but hope can be restored even though it probably feels right now like you will never experience joy again.
Joy alongside the sadness....
But it is possible to put your shattered heart and life back together again with new meaning, purpose and joy, along side the sadness. Your heart is big enough for both.
It all starts with self-awareness and the resolve to move forwards, even if it means doing so with sadness and pain. It starts with open, honest and non-judgemental conversations, attentive listening and empathy.
All on a strong foundation of connection, trust, compassion and love.
I’m thankful you’re here, whether you’re mourning a loss yourself or you are attempting to console someone else.
Wherever you are in your personal grief journey, this website was created with love for you. I admire your courage for being here. You will get through the difficult days one tiny step at a time.
Much love, Ally
You can get in touch with me here:
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
From a headstone in Ireland